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《3/4》CUBE BAND 當代作曲家專場



Contemporary Composer Showcase

What comes to mind when you see '3/4'? Fractions? Rhythmic time signatures? Microtonal intervals? Or perhaps completed life plans?


Five compositions by contemporary composers take different paths—instrumentation, sound, experimentation, memory, events, life, etc., to create their unique pieces. During the performance, you'll encounter various everyday objects, making the '3/4' concert an interplay of daily life and experimental sonic experiences."

《3/4》 CUBE BAND 當代作曲家專場

Category|Key visual, poster, brochure

Design|Placebo Studio
Clients|Cube Band

《3/4》CUBE BAND 海報設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 海報設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 海報設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 海報設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 酷卡設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 手冊設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 手冊設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 手冊設計
《3/4》CUBE BAND 手冊設計
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